Effects Of Plastic On Beaches

Plastic and its chemical substances can show a very harmful effect not only on humans but also on oceans.

As it is well known to everyone, that plastics isn't bio degradable which makes it years and years to decompose. Latest studies, reveal that almost 12.8 millions tons of plastic waste are washed away into the ocean

These plastics are showing a lot of effect on reproduction. Thousands of sea birds ingest the plastic and tangled up in them. When the marine mammals like turtles, fish, oysters and mussels eat up the plastic which it turn reduces the stomach storage, clogs the digestive system leading them to death.

Almost more than 100000 creatures die every year due to plastic and its debris. While some of the plastic from the land and other part has been disposed from oil and gas platforms.

plastic eaten by a turtle, plastic waste in oceans, ocean plastic

Many volunteers come up every year and clean up the plastic debris present on the ocean floor. A number of NGO's are fighting for the cause but theirs not much of an effect regarding the plastic reduction.

Here's a short video if you use plastic and is disposed near the oceans


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