Shark Fins Have Been Banned in U.S Countries

Do u know that a shark fin soup costs around $20 to $200 and dried fin costs around $500? Finning involves slicing off the fins from the live sharks and throwing them overboard, where they drown down to the bottom, unable to swim and the water flows through the gills, suffocate, or eaten by other predators.

Apart from Asian countries, California is the most popular state for shark fin soup. Because of the demand for shark fin for soup, more than hundreds of sharks, rays, chimeras have fallen into the threatened zone. The reason for the banishment of shark fin is to create awareness in the public so that they won't buy. Not completely, but a slight change also would make a change right.

Even though it has been banned in 10 states, illegal cases have been reported quite a lot. The restauranteurs sell them in public, as there is no such punishment for these wild acts. The person would be charged a fine of fewer than a thousand dollars or sent to jail for a couple of months. 

California is one of the largest consumers of shark fin soup apart from Asia. The restaurant people store the fins off the premises and sell them. Most of them keep it in their houses, as searching in houses is not permitted and requires a warrant.

Since 2011, the consumption of shark fin soup in China has fallen to about 80 percent due to the banning and effect of awareness campaign programs by celebrities.

Before the banishment, people use to sell the shark fins directly in public. Here is a picture of shark fins sold publicly in a Chinese market in San Francisco.

shark fins, fins,


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