Dive In To Know About The Aggressive Predator Of The Ocean
Bull Sharks, an apex predator that lives in the coastal seas and rivers. Considered as the most dangerous species than other sharks. As they swim in the warm shallow waters where people tend to swim.
With a life span of 16 years, they can reach limits of up to 11.5 feet and can weigh between 200 to 500 pounds. Their prey includes several species of fishes, mammals, turtles, and even small sharks. Humans are not part of bull's prey, as they come in close contact with the people. They take one exploratory bite and quickly realizes that the person is not its desired prey.
Sharks need salt in their bodies to survive, so they tend to live in the salt waters. But, bull sharks developed adaptions and can also live in the freshwater with ease. They have special glands in their kidneys which makes them store the salt in their bodies.
Bull sharks are not mature until they are 15 or 20 years. They give birth to a well-developed young shark through internal fertilization. Even though they give live birth, bull sharks are not connected to their young. Instead, the embryos survive off of yolk sacs attached to each individual.
Bull sharks have reached near-threatened status. Currently, the major threat is that they are accidentally caught in fisheries targeting other fishes. And intentionally caught for their fins, oil, and skin. They are also targeted in shark culling operations where they are killed to promote safety for beachgoers, swimmers, and other tourists. If the population trends are not reversed, the bull sharks are at greater risk.