Movie Club: Underwater

Underwater is an American movie directed by William Eubank starring Kristen Stewart as Norah Price and Vincent Cassel as the captain.

I can say that this is the most horror movie I have experienced recently. In each scene, you will have a thrilling experience about what's going to happen next.

Starting from scene 1, disaster occurs six miles below the ocean surface at the Kelper drilling station. Where the crew of oceanic researchers has to walk down on the ocean floor to reach the safest point, led by the captain. But they soon find out that they are not alone. A mysterious and deadly creature comes into the picture which no one has ever seen.

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One by one, each one gets caught to the creature leaving only 3 members alive including Norah, Emily, and James. But what becomes more interesting is that "Will they reach the ocean surface or not?".

kristen stewart, kristen stewart in underwater

I can say that this is my favorite film of Kristen Stewart after Twilight. I couldn't even take my eyes off of her.


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