Sea Turtles: The Endangered Species

Sea Turtles have outlived almost all the prehistoric animals once they shared the planet. Marine turtles inhabit the oceans open waters and coastal habitats, feeding on jellyfish and other aquatic plants and animals. They are the live representatives of a group of reptiles that traveled our sea for more than 100 million years. 

Importance of Sea Turtles
These sea turtles have been living for more than 100 million years and maintaining a fundamental link in the marine ecosystem. They maintain the health of seagrass beds and coral reefs that benefit the valuable species such as lobster, shrimp, and tuna. Having outlived million years they can hold their breath up to five hours. They also transfer the vital nutrients from oceans to beaches and dunes. The seven extant species are The Green, Loggerhead, Kemp's Ridley, Olive Ridley, Hawksbill, Flatback, and Leatherback, which are endangered. Five of the seven species are found in tropical and subtropical waters. The other two species are found in the Gulf of Mexico, Australia, and New Guinea. 

What Causing Them Extinct?
The sea turtles also called marine turtles, used to be millions in the sea which are now about less than one million. These critically endangered species have been at risk due to the number of factors, including 

Habitat Destruction
Sea turtles come to shores for nesting. Due to uncontrollable coastal development, vehicle traffic, and other human activities disturbed the sea turtle nesting beaches around the world. Turtle feeding grounds such as seagrass beds and coral reefs have been damaged due to onshore activities, making difficult for the female turtles to lay the nest.

Entanglement in Fishing Gear
Worldwide, hundreds of sea turtles have been accidentally caught in the trawl nets. They become fisheries bycatch animals (Intend to catch other species). Not only sea turtles, but even thousands of dolphins and sea birds are also suffered due to bycatching.

Hunting and Egg Collection
Every year, thousands of sea turtles have been hunted for meat and eggs. They are a source of food, medicine, and income for many people around the world. Even international trade has been prohibited for sea turtles as they are endangered species, but illegal trade persists.

Climate Change
Unusual warm temperatures caused by climate change- resulting in fewer male hatchings. Also, it results in the loss of foraging grounds for sea turtles. 

Sea turtles can assume floating plastic materials as jellyfish and can choke on them when they try to eat them. These encounters are often fatal, entangles sea turtles, and can drown or render a turtle unable to feed or swim.

sea turtles, marine species, endangered species, sea creatures


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