The Majestic World Of Dolphins

Dolphins are marine mammals that are easily recognized by their curved mouths, which mostly feed on squids and fish. Currently, there are 36 dolphin species and are found in every ocean. The orca often called a killer whale is considered as the largest dolphin which can grow up to 30 feet long.

Echolocation For Communication and Hunting
Dolphins use a highly sophisticated type of sonar called echolocation which makes them find things that are buried under the sand. This makes them easy to hunt when dolphins approach the surface for air, the sneaky small devils come out. Teamwork and collaboration are the keys to their survival. They communicate with each other in a complex language using squeaks, whistling, and clicks. They carve physical touch with each other. 

A dolphin pregnancy lasts between 9 and 16 months, where the mother feeds their offspring with milk. They also train them on how to survive and hunt for their self-being.

Cleaning Section
You know dolphins tend to clean themselves every week. Gorgonian, is a coral that is grown only at one part of the reef which helps them in the cleaning section. Some corals have medical properties, gorgonians have chemicals that cure cuts and bites that cause infection.

One of the important things about dolphins is even when they are at sleep, they have to remember to keep going to the surface air. So, they sleep with only half of their brain and one eye open to look out for danger. This synchronized sleeping is essential for a dolphin's health and safety. The life span of dolphins ranges from 20 to 60 years.


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